I love Valentine’s Day. I look forward to spending some time with my husband, whether it’s a date night out on the town or a special homemade meal at home. And, of course, I always welcome a thoughtful…Read More
I love sports. And I love food. Even if my team didn’t make it, I’m looking forward to watching the big game with my family and friends. And fortunately, thanks to Atkins, I have an excellent game-day strategy…Read More
Whether you’re in show business or not, there is always some pressure to look a certain way. After having my babies, I resolved to be kind to myself and patient with the process. This is about living a healthy…Read More
As much as I enjoy the holidays, kicking off a new year invigorates me. It’s a time to make a plan and set new goals. Here are some of the goals I hope to achieve this year: Focus on…Read More
This is going to be a quick one… I know you’re all very busy, and so am I! Just like Santa, I’ve been making my list (or lists) and checking it twice. And possibly waking up at 3am…Read More
After a relaxing Thanksgiving spent with family and friends, things are starting to get a little hectic. My calendar has filled up with holiday parties, meal planning and entertaining, work commitments and, of course, shopping for gifts. Instead of turning…Read More
I love the holidays—to me they signify family, friends and food. And when the star player of my Thanksgiving feast is a perfectly roasted and naturally low-carb turkey, this becomes quite an Atkins-friendly holiday. I’ve also found some…Read More
I have to admit that one of the things that has taken a little time to get used to while doing Atkins is being able to eat more fat. I am so conditioned to grab anything labeled “low-fat” or “fat-free”…Read More
Halloween can be a tricky holiday if you’re trying to limit your carbs and watch your sugar intake. Now that my son has discovered the excitement of dressing up and trick or treating, tempting treats haunt me everywhere I…Read More