Meal plans for weight loss for men

January 8, 2015
Weight loss diet plans for men

Tired of life as a flabby guy? Worried about the health risks of an expanding waist? Time to get down to a healthy weight. Read about good meal plans along with other ways to shed those pounds.

Healthy Diet for Men

Foods men should include in their diets to improve health and prevent disease.

Chips, beer, and fatty red meat top the list of big-belly foods that make men weak in this slideshow on how to spot and swap the usual suspects.

Oysters, cherries, and ginger top WebMD's slideshow of foods that can help keep men on top of their game – from gym to boardroom to bedroom.

Get Fit

Want 6-pack abs? Here's how to get them.

There's no magic pill for getting ripped. But if you're willing to sweat, there are ways to pump up your physique in less time than you might think.

Cultivating a six-pack takes more than sweat. It calls for strategy. You've got to sculpt the bands of muscle known as the rectus abdominis, while melting any belly fat that might block the view.

Want to get buff but don't know where to start? WebMD has a complete rundown of the strength building exercises you need - for your chest, arms, shoulders and back, core, and legs.

Who has time to waste on ineffective, risky exercises? Not you. So ditch these nine moves that may not deliver the results you want - and may even cause injury.

If your goal is turning heads at the beach, WebMD is here to help. Along with tips on grooming and choosing flattering trunks, we'll show you a workout for flat abs and a pumped up physique.

Athletic Safety

Because of their location, many types of accidents can cause testicular injuries.

Exercise is a great way to improve your mid-section, but it must be performed properly. The following includes 7 common abdominal training mistakes most men make.

Some adults and teens use illegal anabolic steroids to lower body fat, get bigger muscles, and increase strength. They use the drugs because they are seeking to improve how well they play sports or how they look.

weight loss meal plans
weight loss meal plans
Weight Loss Men
Weight Loss Men
Best Weight Loss Plan For Men
Best Weight Loss Plan For Men

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