Nutrition Plans

August 23, 2016
I love that I can still eat
How will it help me?

A "Nutrition Evaluation" at Max Muscle Sports Nutrition means we work directly with you and your specific goals to determine what supplementation your body needs to perform at its optimal level whether it is during an athletic performance or just surviving a typical day. To achieve the physique and feeling you have always wanted, healthy lifestyle changes are needed. Your evaluation is designed specifically for you, your goals, and what you want out of life.

How It Works: A Certified Fitness Nutrition Coachâ„¢ assesses your current 'state of being' by analyzing your gender, age, height, weight, basic metabolic rate (BMR), thermic effect of foods, your body composition, daily schedule, food preferences, and current exercise activity.

With your information, we develop your Nutrition Plan: Created for your body to guide you to your health and fitness goals in a safe, effective, and proven healthy plan.

At Max Muscle, we'll show you a specific, yet simple, way to eat properly. Through your personalized Nutrition evaluation, we help you to understand:

  • What foods to eat
  • How much to eat
  • When to eat
  • How it relates to your body
  • How it relates to your lifestyle

Our follow up meetings give you the ability to select food items that fit your lifestyle. This reinforced education helps you to continue this lifestyle on your own with a evaluation - a blueprint - for your continued success. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we'll get you started right away!

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