Lose weight and gain muscle diet

March 12, 2015
Diet Plans: Considerations for

The weight training should be done 3 times per week on alternate days, M/W/F or Tu/Thu/Sat being ideal. The training sessions should consist of heavy, basic compound movements with some overlap. In other words, don't make any sessions arms-only. You want workouts that stimulate a lot of anabolic hormones and muscle mass. As an example, here is how I currently have my 3 times per week routine set up.

My training is usually done with mixed goals of performance and vanity, so it tends to be a bit unconventional for many. Keep in mind it is just an example.

I normally like to keep sets per exercise around 4-6 and reps between 4-8 and use antagonistic supersets when possible.

In my case, I do smaller muscle groups such as forearms, abs, calves, and rotator cuff on my weight-training off-days; however, this is definitely not something that needs to be done. Do abs and calves whenever you want, just make sure your workouts are hard, heavy, intense, and cover your entire body.


Now for the really interesting part, the diet! The diet is divided up into two separate phases: the low calorie low/carbohydrate portion and the high calorie/high carb portion. Here are the guidelines:

Low-calorie/low carb portion

  • Duration: All day on weight-training off-days and 1/2-day on weight-training days.
  • Caloric intake: 10-12 times body weight
  • Macronutrient ratio: 50% protein, 30% fat, and 20% carbohydrate

High-calorie/high carb portion

  • Duration: On weight training days only. From the beginning of the weight-training session until bedtime.
  • Caloric intake: The same amount as you would take in during a normal low-calorie day, but these calories are to be consumed in a time span of 6-8 hours. ( 10-12 x body weight or 1600-1900 calories for a 160-pound individual)
  • Macronutrient ratio - 20% protein 5% fat and 75% carbohydrate

Maintenance calorie/carb portion

  • Duration: Weekends
  • Caloric intake: 15 times body weight
Source: www.bodybuilding.com
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