Want a simple recipe to fight aging? The ingredients are easy to find. The right mix of nutrients - and some regular exercise - will let you feel and look your best.
When you eat right, you'll help get your weight under control, keep your bones strong, and prevent heart disease. It's all about making smart choices.
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Forskolin is made from the root of a plant in the mint family. The plant grows in Nepal, India, and Thailand. It has long been used in traditional Asian medicine.
Nutrition Basics
Boost calcium and vitamin D. That means three to four 8-ounce servings of low-fat dairy every day. If you are lactose-intolerant, eat hard cheese, yogurt, or kefir; canned salmon; broccoli; and legumes. You can also try food or drinks, like orange juice, that have the nutrients added in by the manufacturer. They'll say "fortified" on the label.
If your doctor says you don't get enough calcium in your diet, he may suggest you take supplements that have 1, 000 to 1, 500 milligrams of the nutrient.
Eat more fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes. These will give you plenty of disease-fighting antioxidants. Focus on variety every day, including vegetables with different colors.
Get enough fiber. You don't have to look far. Some good sources are:
- Legumes
- Whole wheat pasta
- Whole-grain cereals and breads
- Oatmeal
- Brown rice
- Popcorn
- Fresh fruits and veggies
Take a daily multivitamin. It will fill any gaps in your nutrition picture. But make sure it's tailored for your age group. When you're over 50, you need less iron than younger women.
Eat lean proteins. Try foods such as skinless chicken, fatty fish like salmon (with omega-3 fats), and vegetable protein, including soy.
Enjoy a vegetarian meal a few times a week. Plant-based diets have lots of advantages. They're low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Cut down on salt. Too much salt is linked to high blood pressure. The recently-published 2015 Dietary Guidelines once again remind everyone to limit salt to 2, 300 milligrams a day.
Choose fats wisely. Avoid trans and saturated fats. They're often hidden in things like:
- Butter
- Stick margarine
- Processed foods
- Desserts
- Doughnuts
"Good fats" can be found in olive oil, and some, but not all, vegetable oils like canola, as well as food like:
- Nuts and seeds
- Avocado
- Cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna
Curb the sweets. Limit sugary drinks and deserts and sweetened dairy products. They can be loaded with calories and have little nutrition.