This 7 day shredding meal plan is designed to BURN FAT and KICK START YOUR METABOLISM.
If you want visible RESULTS in a short period of time, this is the place to get started! As you decrease your energy intake (calories), you starts burning fat but not for long; your body is a smart machine, and as soon as you stay on a lower calorie diet for a longer periods of time, it receives signals to hold on to that fat and enters starvation mode (click HERE to read more about the benefits of calorie shifting for fat loss).
This is why you want to make sure than you are not keeping your caloric intake too low for a prolonged period. It is not in my habit to share somewhat “depriving” diet plans, but hear me out: sometimes, it’s good to get out of our comfort zones and get inspired by the labor of our hard work. Also, this meal plan is well balanced and will satisfy your cravings and sweet tooth as well, I don’t like to go to extremes when it is not necessary.
By no means should you feel hungry on this diet, you should NEVER starve yourself! For optimal results, once you complete this 7-day meal plan, you can go back to eating a with a little more calories and a few cheat meals here and there before repeating this 7-day shredding meal plan. I know that this diet is pretty limited, but I’m sure that you can pull it off for such a short period of time. It’s not hard because we are hungry, it’s hard because we are used to eating for pure pleasure, out of boredom, for fun, etc.Don’t forget to check out the tips listed below!
The 7 day Shredding Meal Plan Menu
Meal 1
- option 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal + 1/2 banana + 1/2 cup egg whites + 1 cup of berries (on the side)
- option 2: 3 egg whites + 1 whole egg + 1 cup spinach + 1/2 cup veggies of your choice (tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms) + 1 slice of Ezekiel bread or other sprouted grain bread
Meal 2
- 4 oz. protein + 1 cup veggies
- example 1) Grilled chicken breast with asparagus
- example 2) Baked tilapia with broccoli topped with seasoned extra virgin olive oil
- example 3) Sardines served with mixed greens salad
Meal 4
- option 1: 1 scoop protein powder + water or almond milk
Meal 5
- 4 oz. protein + 1-2 cup veggies
- example 1) 2 cups mixed greens + grilled chicken or turkey
- example 2) lean beef burger + sautéed veggies (carrots, onions, peppers)
- example 3) chickpeas salad (with peppers, mushrooms, parsley, lemon juice, etc.)
Meal 6 (optional)
- option 1: 1/2 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon
- option 2: 1/2 plain natural yogurt + cinnamon (you can add stevia for sweetness)
- option 2: scoop of your favorite protein powder with water or almond milk
- Caloric intake: This meal plan contains approximately 1500-1600 calories. In order to customize it, calculate your daily caloric requirements with the and make the necessary adjustments (ex. if you need more calories, you can increase your portion size or if you require a smaller amount of calories, you can stick with 4-5 meals instead of 6).
Just make sure that you are eating a minimum of 1200 calories per day for optimal results!
- Protein sources: Chicken, turkey, extra lean beef, white or fatty fishes, eggs & egg whites, tofu, beans and lentils.
- Healthy fats: Extra virgin olive oil, nuts & seeds (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, natural nut butter, chia, sunflower & flax seeds, etc.) avocado, wild salmon & other fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, herring, trout sardines).
- Healthy carbs: Vegetable, fruits, beans & lentils and whole grains which we will use as our healthy carb source since we’ve already listed our fruits, veggies and beans in the food options above (brown rice, yams, quinoa, oats, whole wheat pasta, barley, bulgur, etc.)
- What to drink: Water & tea. If you cannot go without coffee, limit it to one cup a day using stevia and only a little bit of low-fat milk or almond milk. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and before each meal to stay well hydrated and keep you from overeating.
- Eating intervals: Since we will be eating 5-6 meals a day, it is important to space them 2-3 hours apart. This will rev-up our metabolism and provides your body with a steady flow of energy throughout the day.
- How to prepare your lean protein: Your protein should be boiled, grilled, baked or steamed.
- Meal 6: Is optional, if you do not feel hungry, feel free to skip it but it’s always good to have some nutrients available for proper recovery while you are at rest.
- Reward yourself after you complete this 7-day diet challenge.
Maybe a new piece of clothing or a refreshing day at the spa…
- What to expect: Fat loss & more muscle definition! You can expect to lose 2-3 pound of pure fat, anything more than that can be water or simply the body cleaning up.
- Condiments and seasoning suggestions: Lemon juice, garlic, hot sauce, olive oil, balsamic vinaigrette, low-sodium soya sauce, & spices (limit your sodium intake).
- Preparing your meals: It’s always practical to have something ready in the fridge, especially when you are following a strict diet like this one. Do your groceries at the beginning of the week and plan out the week’s menu ahead. You can even start preparing your food and placing it in Tupperware to make things easier (cooked rice, grilled chicken, turkey patties, sautéed veggies, cut up veggies and mixed greens ready to make salads, etc.). I also find it practical to separate my meals into portion sizes so I don’t have to worry about overeating when I get back home from a busy day.
- Workout: For optimal results, combine this diet with a solid training program; working out 4-6 times a week (both cardio and strength training). Browse through our WORKOUT category for ideas, you can also grab your free monthly workout calendars for an extra challenge!
- Final note: This is not a starvation diet; you should always eat if you feel hunger. It might take a day or two to adapt to this way of eating but you should definitely feel energized and lighter every single day!
Let me know how it goes!
ps. For more meal ideas, check me out on !
MFS Suggests…
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