*Offer good on 28-Day Auto delivery programs only. With Auto-Delivery you receive an additional 10% discount off our regular 28-Day Program price and free shipping to Continental U.S. only. Shipping charges apply to Select program. With Auto-Delivery, you are automatically charged and shipped your 28-Day program once every 4 weeks unless you cancel. You can cancel Auto-Delivery at any time by calling 1-877-338-8446. However for this offer you must stay on Auto-Delivery for at least two consecutive 28-Day program deliveries to receive the discounted Auto-Delivery price and free shipping within the Continental US. If you delay the second shipment for more than 30 days or if you cancel prior to paying for your second consecutive 28-Day program delivery, your payment method will be charged for Continental U.S. shipping (if applicable) and the amount of any auto-delivery discount received on your first 28-Day program delivery. Other restrictions apply. Call or see website for details. Cannot be combined with any prior or current discount or offer. Limit one offer per customer.