I’ve created these meal plans to give you some ideas as you work to clean up your eating habits and create a plan that works for you. Healthy eating should never be boring, right? We all crave variety. You will find plenty of recipes and options in these plans.
It’s not a personalized plan. This is a sample plan and I know that it may not fit everyone’s tastes, needs or calorie goals, so you WILL need to modify it. It’s up to you.
- Replace the snacks with your healthy favorites.
- Find recipes you like
- Add another meal or take one away depending on your goals.
I’m not a registered nutritionist but I worked with one to create this plan to ensure that this plan makes since for someone who is working out 3-4 days per week minimum. This is why the plan is not a super low calorie plan (i.e. 1200 calories). I don’t know your exact health and dietary needs, so you need to keep in mind that you should personalize any meal plan to your needs. Use these meals, snacks and recipes as an example instead of trying to follow them exactly.
Meal Plan for Week 4
Disclaimer: Nutritional content will vary depending on the brands of food used. This meal plan does not take into account serious illness or specific nutrient ratios. If you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, heart disease diabetes or other medical issues, please talk with your doctor or dietitian before changing your diet. These plans are meant to be examples of balanced eating, but we all have varied needs. Use this information as an example and take caution with regard to your own specific nutrition needs.