Recommended Daily Caloric Intake: | Carbs: | Protein: | Fat: |
The example meals below are based on a 1775 calories per day fat loss diet. You may need to adjust the amounts of foods to meet your individual caloric needs.
Chapters: Training | Nutrition | Supplements
If you want to transform your physique, burn fat, and reveal a toned and well shaped body, you've got to commit to your nutrition plan 100%. Maybe you're a "healthy eater" most of the time or maybe you're stuck on fast-food, soda and microwave meals - whatever the case, your new fat loss meal plan is finally going to show you the lasting weight loss results you've been waiting for.
Click To Enlarge.
This Fat Loss Meal Plan Will Show
You How To Get Lasting Results.
The Plan
Your new fat loss nutrition plan is going to be based on three things:
- The Right Fuel - whole foods and high quality protein sources
- Timing - eating 5-6 times a day in the right portions
- Calorie Deficit - eating 300-500 calories below your caloric maintenance level
If you follow these three simple principles, we guarantee you will succeed. All the resources you need to build a full-proof fat loss nutrition program can be found on Bodybuilding.com.
By eating the right foods in smaller portioned meals spaced throughout the day, you'll feel energized and your body will turn into a fat incinerating machine.
Click To Enlarge.
Small Frequent Meals Of The Right Foods Will Turn
Your Body Into A Fat Incinerating Machine.Meal Plans
We've built an example meal plan that you can use as a template for your meals. Our example meal plan won't necessarily meet your caloric needs, so the amounts of foods will be different for you depending on what you need. But the individual meals are designed with the best foods in the best ratio for fat loss.
This is a suggested meal plan that you can follow every day if you want, but you can change up the foods to add variety or slowly cut calories/add calories depending on your results and how you feel. Tracking progress and adjusting your nutrition plan is a critical component to seeing results - your body will be changing and so will your dietary needs. All the information to help you adjust your meal plan can be found on this page.
Rule #1 Frequent And Consistent Meals