Fast carbs Slow carbs and protein Meals

October 25, 2014
What Is the Difference Between
WebMD Feature Archive

Getting Started on the Plan

Weight loss is jump-started in the 21-day Metabolism Makeover, the core of the diet plan. Each day, the plan unveils a simple diet strategy to help dieters develop healthy lifestyle habits that support long-term weight loss. Habits like keeping a food, water and exercise log, eating breakfast, controlling sodium, choosing healthy fats, drinking lots of water, finding a buddy, eating more fiber, and getting enough sleep are just a few examples.

Dieters eat three meals and snacks every 2-3 hours using the Fat Loss Plate with approved foods in proper portions. Most meals contain about 15 grams of protein and 30 grams of carbs and total calories vary but are never less than 1, 200 for women and 1, 500 for men.

Dieters are instructed to drink 12 8-ounce glasses of water daily, plus 8 ounces for each 20 minutes of exercise. Allegedly, the excessive amount of water will release 5 pounds of fat in a month. "There are not studies to document this fat loss to my knowledge; however, it is not bad advice, especially for people who drink a large portion of their calories, to switch to water, " says Dudek.

Exercise is part of the plan, which includes workout videos.

More than just the 21 Day Metabolism Makeover and Food Lovers for Life diet plans, the mail-order package ($139.99) includes workout and motivational videos, menu planner, cookbook, success journal, eating out advisor and online community support is also available.

The Fat Loss Plate and Snacks

Protein is the centerpiece of the fat loss plate along with fast carbs, slow carbs, and optional healthy fats. No counting calories or fat grams, but portions are controlled. There are three versions of the fat loss plate to choose from:

  • Version A: 1 protein +1 fast carb + 1 slow carb (Spaghetti and meatballs with a side salad)
  • Version B: 1 protein +3 slow carbs (Entree salad with grilled chicken)
  • Version C: 1 protein and 1 fast carb (turkey sandwich)

One tablespoon of healthy fat is allowed per meal only with lean protein and low-fat fast carbs.

For the first five days, snacks are either one portion of a whole food such as an apple or any food that doesn't exceed 150-250 calories. "Accelerator snacks, " which are recommended starting on day 6, must also contain at least 7 grams of protein.

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