Lose weight in 7 days diet

February 9, 2018
The GM Diet Plan: How To Lose

fWant to lose weigh in a week? Well, we have a safe and healthy plan for you. Here's a customised diet plan that does not involve starving. Besides helping you lose 3-5 kgs in a week, it also promises to improve your skin and digestive system.

Diet Plan Monday - Fruity Punch

To flush fat from your body, you’ll need to release the toxins that are keeping you swollen with fat and fluid on Monday. Fruit diet is effective in detoxification the body, it improves healing process and it also helps in healthy weight loss. Best category of fruits involved in healthy weight loss are citrus fruits. Preferred fruits are apple, pear, orange, watermelon and all citrus fruits. There are no restrictions on how much fruits one can eat. Eat when ever you feel hungry.

Start your day with 2 apples and a pomegranate. At the end of the day one should have at least consumed the equivalent of 4 Apples, 4 oranges, a small watermelon and 2 pomegranates.

Important: Fruit juices are not allowed.

Special Note: Drink at least 10 glasses of water.

Best Weight Loss Skinny Shake: Take a glass of mild warm water and add 2 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix it well and drink it before breakfast once daily on all 7 days.

Easy Weight Loss Exercise: First exercise that we recommend is a daily walk. You need to walk for at least 30 min daily. By walk, we mean brisk walk, you should add 10 more minutes to your walking time on weekly basis. Refrain from using mobile phones will walking.

Veggie Tuesday

dvia Shutterstock

It's day 2 of the weight loss diet plan and you are only allowed to eat vegetables. Either eat raw vegetables in form of plain salad or you can boil vegetables and add some salt and pepper. There are no restrictions on how much one can eat. Eat when ever hungry.

Important: Cream, butter, milk and oil are not allowed.

Breakfast: Start your day with one boiled potato.

Best Weight Loss Veggie Salad Recipe

via Shutterstock

Vegetable Salad Recipe


· 10 Salad leaves

· 1 Cabbage chopped or shredded

· 5 Green Onion tops Chopped

· 3 Peeled Carrots sliced in thin stripes

· 1 Radish (optional)

· 3 tomatoes sliced into rings

· 3 table spoon lemon juice

· Salt

· 2 large cucumbers with skin sliced

· 3 Cherry tomato

· 1/2 cup pea

· 1/2 cup corn boiled.

Optional Ingredients:

Celery and Broccoli

Golden Health Tip - Organizing the Meal

Please understand that going hungry for hours and hours only increases the chances that the next meal will cause overeating. Overeating and can destroy the hard work of the day or even the entire week. So don’t skip any meals or go without eating for 5-6 hours. Eating in small portions every 3-4 or even 5 hours is recommended, not beyond that.

dFruity Wednesday

One can eat as much fruits and vegetables as one can but remember the golden rules. Abstain from using oil, butter, cheese and similar products. Either use plain vegetable or boiled vegetables. Don’t drink fruit juice, only whole fruits are allowed. Potato and banana are not allowed.

Special Note: Drink at least 12 glasses of water.

Weight Loss Fruit Salad Recipe

· 3 oranges, peeled and cut into small pieces

· 2 red apples, diced

· 1 cup green grape

· 1/4 cup currants

· 2 apricots, chopped, de-seeded

· 1 tablespoon sugar (optional)

· 1 mango, peeled and cubed

· ¼ grape fruit

· 3 cups shredded cabbage

· 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Thursday – Going Bananas

Eat 10 bananas, 3 glasses of milk and 1 diet soup today. This diet plan can be a little tough because one will be eating relatively less amount of food.

Special Note: Drink at least 12 Glass of water.

Low Calorie Soup Recipe


· Water-750 ml

· Onion-1 cut into rings

· Green Chile-2

· Tomatoes -3

· Cabbage -1

· Lettuce Leaf - 2

· Carrot-1

Mix all the ingredients and boil them for 5 min, add salt and pepper.

Feasty Friday

Some of you would have lost 2-3 kgs of excess weight by now. However, weight loss varies from person to person as human body first utilises the primary energy source and then moves to the fat reserves. So, first 4 to 5 days of any weight loss diet plan do not produce desired results, so keep away from your weight machine for 7 days.

The diet plan is mixture of fruits, vegetables, a small bowl of boiled brown rice and a small cup of dal. 1 bowl of salad and 1 glass of butter milk with brown rice and dal. Tomatoes are key part of day 5. Make sure you do not skip 6 tomatoes. You can have tomatoes at one time or separately at different intervals on the same day. 2 apples and 2 oranges can be had at same time or separately.

Special Note: Drink at least 14 Glass of water .

Special Saturday

One is allowed to have a small bowl of boiled brown rice with vegetable. Again you must not use any type of oil, butter or cheese. 1 bowl of salad, 1 bowl of soup and 1 glass of buttermilk can be consumed in the day .

Saturday Add-Ons

One can have a cup of Green Tea as it is the best weight loss Tea but if you are addicted to coffee, then you are allowed to have coffee without milk or sugar.

Sunday – Grand Finale

The diet plan is mixture of fruits, vegetables, a small bowl of boiled brown rice and a small cup of dal. 1 bowl of salad and 1 glass of butter milk with brown rice and dal. 1 glass of fresh fruit juice (grape or orange) and 1 bowl of diet soup can be had during the course of the day .

How to maintain weight loss

Weight struggles are a common issue, and many people fail to achieve the ideal weight they set out to reach. Which is why, the very important step of maintaining the reduced weight and remaining a healthy individual is something to take in to account as a part of one’s daily life. When maintaining weight, it is crucial to remember to embrace the healthy eating habits and exercise regime.

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Source: www.indiatimes.com
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