Stick with the bikini detox plan and feel fantastic [GETTY/PIC POSED BY MODEL]
The bikini detox programme is really simple and you will not go hungry. You might have a headache for the first few days if you are used to drinking a lot of caffeine. It will pass quickly so don’t give up. Stick with it and by day three or four you will feel fantastic.
Below is a complete menu plan for you to follow during week one. For week two, you are free to make up your own meals using all the delicious foods you’re allowed. Just make sure you stick to three meals a day plus two snacks.
Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and, if you’re hungry, snack on fruit, vegetable crudités or nuts and seeds from your allowance. All recipes serve two unless otherwise stated.
• Three meals and two snacks a day.
• As much white meat such as chicken as you want. If vegetarian you can have pulses instead of meat.
• As much fish as you want, including shellfish.
• Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you want but make sure overall you are eating more veg than fruit.
• Each day have one fistful (the same amount as the size of your clenched fist) of nuts and seeds and one of dried fruit a day. Eat these as part of your snacks or incorporate them into your meals.
• As many eggs as you like.
•Dress salads with vinegar or lemon juice and salt and pepper. Apple cider vinegar is particularly good during a detox.
• You can eat corn, sweet potato and other root vegetables but avoid white potato.
Hot water and lemon
Boiled eggs and asparagus soldiers
Sweet potato with roasted vegetables
2 large sweet potatoes