With the Primal/paleo/ancestral/real food/whatever-moniker-you-prefer community growing by leaps and bounds over the past year, I thought I’d do another “blogs you should be reading” post. I’ve done this sort of thing before, both last year and the year before. Once again, there are a ton of blogs out there that I’ve either missed or forgotten to include in previous installments, along with newer ones that are newer and therefore less likely to be on my (or anyone’s radar). But that’s how we rectify the situation and get even more people reading these great blogs – by calling attention to them. Now, not all of them are strictly Primal; some only give passing mention to the specifics of evolutionary health. All the blogs included, however, are relevant to anyone interested in learning about health, fitness, nutrition, and general wellness. And isn’t that what we’re all doing here, anyway? Trying to learn how to improve our lives and the lives of those around us?
Let’s get to the blogs. In no particular order:
Melissa and Dallas Hartwig form the core of the Whole 9 team. Their philosophy revolves around the Whole 30, a 30-day trial run of complete and utter purity and adherence to the diet, and word has it that it’s brutally effective. They also just came out with a book, to which I gave some recent link love, but most importantly, they’re absurdly good looking, write a great blog wherein they give excellent training/eating/living advice, and coin such awesome phrases as “sex with your pants on.” Let them “change your life.”