Mens diet plans to lose weight

November 4, 2014
7 Easy Steps To Weight Loss

That's why avoiding this starvation response is a core principle of The Men's Health Diet. On this plan, you'll lose 15 pounds in 6 weeks—without ever getting hungry, bored, or frustrated. Here are a few of the The Men's Health Diet guidelines that'll help you turn fat into muscle without ever feeling deprived.


The foods
Dairy, eggs, whole grains, and fiber. If you usually skip breakfast, start with a glass of milk or a slice of cheese with whole-wheat toast. Or, if you wake up ready for a meal, have walnut-flaxseed oatmeal with some yogurt and blueberries.

The goal
To load up on calories.

The rationale
The protein in milk and other dairy products can increase muscle protein production, helping to promote muscle growth and fat loss after exercise.


More of the same! That's right—eating twice in the a.m. means you'll take in fewer calories overall. A lot of guys don't have the time (or the stomach) to power down a third of their daily calorie allowance first thing in the morning. So breaking up the meal keeps your calorie intake shifted to the morning while allowing you to start your day without busting a gut.


The foods
Vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts, and whole grains. Think soups and salads.

The goal
To pack in as much nutrition as possible.

The rationale
Lunch is the defining moment of your nutritional day. Breakfast is about calorie loading, and by dinner the day is shot. So lunch is your chance to feast on at least three representatives from the fruit, vegetable, or legume category—which is why soups and salads are your go-to choices at this time of day.

What's for dinner? Pick up your copy of The Men's Health Diet to learn the superfoods that pack on pounds of muscle!


The foods
Leafy greens and other vegetables, lean meats, fish, beans, and legumes.

The goal
To keep portion size down.

The rationale
A Penn State study found that eating a low-calorie salad before a main course can decrease overall food intake by up to 12 percent. So start with the green stuff, and then move on to lean protein or an omega-3-rich fish (like salmon).


The foods
Yogurt, berries, walnuts, red bell peppers with cottage cheese, whole-grain cereal with milk, and apples and cheese.

The goal
To stave off hunger.

The rationale
You can't lose weight and keep it off unless you snack! In fact, studies suggest that people who eat less often than three times a day may have trouble controlling their appetite. So don't deprive yourself. Raid that pantry. Just choose smartly.

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