Hey y'all, it's been a long time. The last post went up 2 weeks ago, oh my, I have really slacked to update the blog, sigh. I went through kind of a rough patch mentally in which I have been feeling like a failure personally. I am a control-freak and I was at a point that I couldn't control my emotions, my emotional eating and my nail biting. So I was feeling like a poo-poo and had to do something about it.
The first step for me has been switching up my diet and I purchased the Fit Girls Guide 28 Day Jumpstart ebook. I found it through instagram @FitGirlsGuide, where there is a great community of more than 2 milion girls following the guides and amazing transformation before & after pictures. I read a few reviews and decided to get the first guide and immediately loved it. It gives a lot of tips and tricks together with a daily workout and meal plan. I was doing my own fitness by attending XCO classes 2-3 times a week so I only followed the meal plan for the first few weeks.
The meal plan consists of one breakfast and one lunch recipe for each week and two dinner recipes that you're supposed to alternate every other day. They give you a grocery list and a meal prep plan so that you don't have to cook every day. I loved the concept but as my life is structured now I cook every evening and don't plan my meals ahead, so after a bit more than a week, I had already modified the plan to fit me keeping in mind the main principles: 350 kcal breakfast, 400 kcal for lunch and dinner and 200 kcal in snacks a day. I am also following the macro ratios for the different meals to make sure I am getting enough protein, fat and carbs from my food.
A few recipes from the Fit Girls Guide 28 Day Jumpstart and Fit Girls Cook Book
The main change in my eating habit has been adding a larger amount and variety of vegetables to my diet. I have always been a bit fussy about my veggies and I have found myself daring more and loving a lot more types of veggies that I never even considered before such as broccoli, which has now become a staple in my fridge (it's all about not overcooking it!!!). Another difference for me was incorporating both starch and protein rich foods in the same meals. Growing up in Italy, I was used to having pasta/rice as one meal and meat/fish as the other meal of the day. Now I always eat a portion of meat with my pasta and some rice with my meat, adjusting the portion sizes. I find that this way I feel full for longer from my meals and eat smaller amounts of everything.
A great bonus to these changes is that my skin has been reacting amazingly to it! The higher amount of vegetables has helped greatly to clear up my skin from the hormonal cystic acne on my chin which is now almost gone except for that time of the month. This more balanced diet seems to have helped controlling and balancing my hormones and my skin looks more radiant and plump.
The results took a while to show up however. Part of the issue was that I was cheating too much with Easter chocolate eggs and secondly, the 1450 kcal meal plan was too much for my body with the activity level I had. I was losing weight very slowly, not feeling hungry at all during the day and very full after my meals. So I decided to change again.
My solution and current plan is to keep following the concept of the Fit Girls Guide and use their recipes from the 28 Day Jumpstart and from the new Fit Girls Cook Book but count my calories and restrict my self to 1350 kcal a day and amping up my exercise from 2-3 times to 5-7 times a week. This has got me down 2 kg so far and I am finally seeing results in my body and confidence.
I still have a long way to go with my first weight loss target 3 kg away and my final goal 8 kg away, but the feeling of being again in control of my body and of my journey is unbeatable. I am a control-freak and I am finally in control again.