Protein powder diet plan

December 23, 2012
Choose the company of protein
Image titled Use Whey Protein Step 1


Part 1

Calculating Your Protein Requirements
  1. Obtain a protein requirement chart from an online source or nutrition store. Too much protein in your daily diet can lead to adverse side-effects, and is particularly hard on your kidneys, so a protein chart is an important tool when adding whey protein to your diet.
  2. Calculate how much protein you need, based on your weight. It is recommended that both male and female adults (19–50) consume 8 grams (0.28 oz) of protein for every 20 pounds of bodyweight (0.8 g of protein per kg) per day. For example, a person weighing 155 pounds (70 kg) should get 56 g of protein per day.
  3. Determine the amount of protein you eat. With the help of a nutritional calculator, calculate how much protein you are getting with each meal and, if necessary, how much protein you consume each week. This will help you determine how much protein you need to supplement your diet with.
  4. Find the amount of protein you need to get from supplements. If the amount of protein you should have according to your protein requirement chart is more than you are getting from diet alone, you can make up the difference with whey protein. After figuring out your protein intake with a nutritional calculator, subtract the amount of protein you are getting in your diet from the required amount found on your protein requirement chart.Image titled Use Whey Protein Step 2 The amount of protein left over is what you can get in supplement form from whey protein. Additionally, if you are a male who exercises regularly, you may benefit from whey protein supplementation to help you recover from exercise more quickly. In general, recreational and endurance exercisers and strength training athletes should get 0.5–0.8 grams (0.02–0.03 oz) of protein per pound of body weight, while an athlete who restricts calories may need more like 0.8–0.9 grams (0.03–0.03 oz) of protein per pound of body weight.

Part 2

Making a Protein Shake or Smoothie
  1. Use a blender. Combining the ingredients in a blender is the most convenient way to make a shake. Follow the instructions on the whey protein container to measure out the proper amount of whey protein powder and blend with the recommended portion of liquid and any other ingredients until smooth.
    • If you do not have a blender, you can use an electric mixer, blender bottle, or use a whisk or fork to mix the ingredients in a glass or bowl.
  2. Choose your flavor of whey protein. You can buy whey protein in a variety of flavors, which will affect the taste of your smoothie. Flavors include vanilla, strawberry, blueberry, banana, chocolate, and more.
  3. Mix in fruits or other ingredients. Whey protein shakes can be made with fruits and other ingredients to change the flavor and nutritional content. Many recipes can be found in books and online for various preparations of whey protein shakes. To make it easier to blend or mix fruits into whey protein shakes, add liquids first.Image titled Use Whey Protein Step 3 Depending on your preference, add between one to two cups of one or more of the following:
    • Fruit juice
    • Banana
    • Peaches
    • Pears
    • Mango
    • Watery fruits, including oranges, pineapple and watermelon
    • Milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk or other low-fat milks
  4. Add ice cubes. Blended ice cubes will thicken and cool your whey protein shake, giving it the consistency of a smoothie or shake. Alternatively, you can freeze bananas, raspberries and other fruits (or buy them frozen) and add them to the drink. You can even make ice cubes out of milk and use these instead.
  5. Add flavor-enhancing ingredients. Whey protein shakes may benefit from the addition of ingredients that improve the flavor. Add these ingredients to your liking and you will improve your shake's flavor. Some ingredients to consider adding include:
    • Honey
    • Vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon
    • Yogurt
    • Dried fruit, including raisins, apricots and dates
    • Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or other milkshake powders
Image titled Use Whey Protein Step 4 Image titled Use Whey Protein Step 5 Image titled Use Whey Protein Step 6 Image titled Use Whey Protein Step 7
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