If you've received a 1200-calorie diabetic diet prescription from a team of medical professionals, here is a good meal plan to start with. A word of caution: a 1200-calorie diabetic diet is not for every diabetic. For weight loss, this calorie level is low enough for many people to cause a negative effect on metabolism. For many diabetics, this calorie level may not provide enough carbohydrates to compliment medication regimens or prevent hypoglycemia.
However, 1200 calories will meet the energy needs of some diabetics (probably if you are small in weight and stature, older than 65, and/or less active). If you've received a 1200-calorie diabetic diet prescription, your doctors will have taken all of these factors into account. This meal plan should give you some ideas and provides 1210 calories a day, with 56% from carbohydrate and 14% from fat.
- omelet made with 1/4 cup egg substitute and 1 slice (1 ounce) low-fat cheese
- 1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 tsp low-fat margarine spread
- 1 small orange or 2 small tangerines
- coffee with 2 tablespoons fat-free half & half
- 1 cup steamed broccoli topped with 2 tsp low-fat margarine spread