7-Day 1200 calories diet

November 3, 2017
Four meals; 1200 calories

1200 calorie meal plan for vegetariansThe 7-day, 1200 Calorie Meal Plan is designed to help people slim down fast and still feel satisfied. When aiming for fat loss, women should avoid going lower than 1200 calories/day. For men, the figure is about 1500 to 1700 calories. However, this figure varies depending on one’s weight, height, and level of physical activity. Doctors recommend finding one’s individual calorie needs rather than following a generalized figure. To put it into context, a large coke, large fries, and a Big Mac amounts to 1, 350 calories. This is a, somewhat, sobering revelation for people who love to indulge in fast food.

Does 1200 Calorie Meal Plan Really Work?

To many people, a diet that only offers 1200 calories/day is only ideal for women who are desperate to lose weight. Most people do not understand why the 1200 figure is so important. When it comes to losing weight, the number of calories consumed each day should be lower than the calories burned. Essentially, what goes in should be lower than what goes out. This is why this 1200 calorie meal plan works so well for women looking to lose weight.

However, rather than believing that 1200 calories per day can work for them, some people insist on doing complicated calculations using their BMI, basal metabolic rate, and body-fat percentage. All the same, even this last sentence is enough to confuse anyone. Surely, there has to be a less complicated way. Fortunately there is. By sticking to 1200 calories meal per day, one cannot go wrong. This is because a diet with very low calories is unsustainable, dangerous, and unlikely to help in the end. Therefore, 1200 is the ideal number.

Why 1200 Calorie Meal Plan Works so Well for Women

Part of losing weight involves a simple, sensible eating and exercise plan. 1200 is the minimum number of calories one can eat each day while still gaining all the vital nutrients one needs to perform and thrive. Having said that, what a person eats will play a big part. Therefore, one cannot decide to cut back on other nutritious foods and eat 1200 calories worth of sugary treats and fast food. Anyone who tried that would soon face serious consequences, such as bad skin, terrible hair, loss of concentration, and a lethargic feeling. In addition, one would be at a higher risk of all sorts of serious illnesses.

The ideal plan should include nutrient–packed foods that contain complex carbohydrates, plenty of proteins, vitamins, fiber, and other minerals. Such foods will keep one satisfied and full throughout the day. They will also boost one’s energy levels rather than leaving one exhausted and depleted.

The reason why men need more calories is because they generally have less fat and more muscle than women do. Thus, they burn more calories even when they are idle. However, men still need to follow a meal plan that applies the same logic in terms of nutrient–rich foods to keep them feeling satisfied and energetic for longer.

1200 Calorie Meal Plan for 7 Days

Below is a week-long diet plan, devised by accredited nutritionists, which can help people slim down fast. Nutritionists have the necessary experience in all aspects of weight loss, nutrition, diet, and lifestyle diseases such as fatty liver disease, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes. While following the 1200-calorie/day diet plan, one should also take calorie-free drinks as desired, a calcium supplement, and a multivitamin.

Day 1
– One cup of fat-free milk, one banana, and a ¾ cup of bran flakes for breakfast
– A cup of cantaloupe melon for the mid-morning snack
– Beef and noodle broth, one small whole-wheat bread, one cup of fat-free milk, and a non-sugared fudgsicle for lunch
– Three ounces celery sticks and two tablespoons of prepared hummus for the afternoon snack
– Half cup of cooked brown rice, roasted cod, yellow and green beans with wild mushrooms, and a small banana for dinner

Day 2
– Fruit smoothie and a half English muffin with one teaspoon of light margarine for breakfast
– One cup of vegetable soup, a veggie burger, light yogurt, and 15 grapes for lunch
– Four ounces of skinless, boneless chicken breast with barbecue sauce, vegetarian baked beans, and three small boiled potatoes with a pinch of dill and one teaspoon light margarine for supper

Day 3
– Oatmeal with fat-free milk, a half an apple, and one teaspoon honey for breakfast
– Chicken salad and one banana for lunch
– Four ounces steamed shrimp, three cups of steamed spinach, one baked potato, and a low-fat frozen fudge bar for dinner

Day 4
– ½ toasted English muffin with a half sliced apple, an ounce of reduced-fat cheese, and six ounces of light yogurt with slivered almonds for breakfast
– One cup of tomato soup, one cup of raw veggies, a roast beef sandwich, and one pear for lunch
– Three ounces poached salmon, a small cup of cooked brown rice, slaw, and pineapple chinks in juice for dinner

Day 5
– ½ cup cherries, one cup cheerios, 8 ounces fat-free milk, and one tablespoon slivered almonds for breakfast
– Quesadilla, ½ cup mandarin orange sections with ½ cup low-fat cheese, and cucumber spears for lunch
– Three ounces roasted pork tenderloin, two cups salad greens, one cup baked acorn squash, and ½ cup fat-free frozen vanilla yogurt for dinner

Day 6
– One toasted frozen waffle topped with 1/2 sliced banana and eight ounces of fat-free milk for breakfast
– Tuna pita, ten baby carrots, and 6 ounces light yogurt for lunch
– Jambalaya, 3 cups steamed spinach, and a medium-sized apple for dinner

Day 7
– ½ toasted English muffin topped with an ounce of low-fat cheese, one tomato slice, one poached egg, ½ cup steamed spinach, and one grapefruit for breakfast
– Black bean salad, one small whole wheat pita, and one pear for lunch
– 3 ounces grilled or broiled flank steak, one cup steamed zucchini, one baked sweet potato, and ½ cup pineapple chunks in juice for dinner

There are both pros and cons of following 1200 calorie meal plan. These diets are very effective, easily customizable, healthy, and help people lose weight in a safe manner. However, some people experience some problems, such as fatigue, illness, and hunger, when they follow 1200 calorie weight loss diet plan. Thus, before starting this meal plan, dieters should determine whether the diet plan would provide adequate energy to sustain their activity level and size.

Source: www.gcfofguide.com
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